When I took my boyfriend to meet my parents

What’s the most money you’ve ever spent on a meal? Was it worth it?

My parents lived in Bedford Basin Nova Scotia. I’d met Gord at a friend’s wedding earlier in the summer, and thought I would fly Gord and I down to see them. I was pretty sure “he was the one” and being 20, adventurous and in love, bought the tickets. We wanted to go a special restaurant together in Halifax and my parents suggested “Fat Franks” as it was known at that time. A five star restaurant serving of course – lobster – which I’d never had lol but was willing to give it a go for my man. We saw some political peeps and television personalities and the meal was spectacular! How much did it cost ? In 1981 it was ? I honestly don’t remember lol. I just remember my eyes bugging out. It was a very special time in my life.

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